vendredi 5 avril 2013

aswer of the consolidation....??


What is consolidation?

The general meaning of the term:
The process of uniting or putting together.

The financial meaning of the term: Taking multiple debt or credit lines and consolidating them into one new payoff plan. Frequently, this is a consolidation loan, provided to consolidate debts into one loan with one payment, typically shifting credit card debts to secured debt by refinancing a mortgage.....

The civil engineering meaning of the term:
Consolidation is the process where pore water pressures dissipate from a fine grained low permeability soil over time which has a load applied to it and is ultimately free to drain (the drained condition is soil mechanics).

As the material is of low permeability, as load is applied and the pore water pressures cannot dissipate, they increase in a proportional manner to the load and so resist deformation (i.e. the soil is behaving initally as an undrained material). As the water slowly escapes from the soil pore spaces however, the pore pressure reduces and the soil skeleton can deform as the pore water in the pore spaces is no longer holding the pores open. Once the pore pressures have completely dissipated (which may take tens of years in very low permeability clays), the pore spaces will have totally closed and the soil has undergone consolidation. This can result in significant deformation and is something that must be taken into account during geotechnical design.

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